"Esencialno čustvo zaradi katerega je ta film moral nastati, je bil strah pred izgubo. Tega čustva mi ni uspelo posneti na kamero, ker je preveč nevidno, hkrati pa vseprežemajoče. Upam pa, da bodo senzibilne gledalke in gledalci to čustvo ob gledanju filma vseeno začutili nekje v zraku".
Celebration of life, love and wisdom shared between elderly father and daughter (film director) during 11 years. Their dialogue is fueled by humor and director’s anticipatory nostalgia.
Short Synopsis:
A precious friendship between elderly father (95) and his daughter (film director) is slowly coming to an end. Even if it is not evident at the first glance, they both struggle with transience of time. Father wants to finish a book, repair the old fence and maintain a vital body, while daughter wants to stop the time and aging of her dad.